Предложения со словом «air»
Мы нашли 80 предложений со словом «air». Количество символов. Рифмы.
- The warm late-spring air finally began to cool and a dampness started to rise out of the streets from the afternoon rains.
- Only the things and the empty air roared.
- Something hung in the air around him, something waiting yet reluctant to come out.
- Сингл «In The Air Tonight» возглавил чарты семи стран, на родине песня дошла до второго места.
- Never, since the sinning angel fell from heaven to hell, had the air heard such a cry of despair.
- He could not eat or sleep, and everything had assumed an air of gloom and despondency.
- Тогда это придает air fixe[6 - Острота (фр.).] жизни, бодрость, игру, живется легко, не мешает делу и делам.
- Tasahre stayed quite still for a few seconds more, then flipped the hourglass into the air and caught it as she sheathed her steel.
- Behind him Keith could hear Wayne Tevis trying to raise the Air Force KC-135 on radio again.
- Air traffic emergencies of one kind or another occurred several times a day at Lincoln International, as they did at any major airport.
- Today was his last day with air traffic control.
- Военные статьи договора (Military, Naval and Air clauses) ограничивали численность новой армии Австрии 30 тыс.
- With incomparable impotence he breathed in the odour of hyacinths, which teemed to fill the motionless air of this room.
- The soldiers stood aside and then Berren was through, into the fresh damp air.
- He sniffed the air and smelled a slight whiff of tallow.
- Movement of freight by air, already mammoth in extent, was destined to be greater still.
- Shreds of words, tattered by the current of air.
- A United Air Lines food truck, loaded with two hundred dinners, was lost in snow somewhere on the airport perimeter.
- Mel picked up a direct line phone to Air Traffic Control.
- В результате они же стали топливом для реактивного «Его Воздушества» (Air Jordan).
- The Air Force flight, Keith knew, had originated in Hawaii and come non-stop after mid-air refueling over the West Coast, its destination near Washington.
- The hunted stream of wandering air washed around his form, making the folds of the canvas flutter.
- Its surface was dark green, with brilliant green points of light showing all aircraft in the air within a forty-mile radius.
- The air was already rank with sweat and smoke and sour cheap wine, filled with raucous shouts and the occasional scream as someone accidentally set themselves on fire.
- Now the bright boys are heading for air freight.
- Even the wild chase of the wandering masses of air did not tear out the suffocating fumes of oil.
- The air changed and grew colder.
- His hand lost its hold of the lever and leaped into the air like a shot bird.
- Herbert, become again the healthy and vigorous lad he was before his illness, derived great benefit from this life in the open air, between the sea breezes and the vivifying air from the forests.
- The air rang with the sound of wood striking wood as she battered him slowly backwards.
- Keep under cover of where the air is brewing like a mist.
- In the air a dampness could be detected, and the air itself could be felt growing warmer and warmer.
- There was an air of desperation.
- Once a fascinating gentleman bought four dozen handkerchiefs, and wooed her across the counter with a King Cophetua air.
- В салоне самолета Air France сидит еще не седой Лимонов и налегает на вино.
- Чуть позже духи L’air du Temps принесли Дому не только славу, но и колоссальную прибыль.
- Nancy’s imitation high-bred air and genuine dainty beauty was what attracted.
- He walked with a cane and he had a loud voice with a heavy accent that cut the air.
- She was always hard to read, but there was an air of unease to the way she stood.
- Her hands flew up, clutching, and remained hanging stiffly in the air.
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- Air Traffic Control was one, airline internal management another.
- When the doors opened, the air spilled out from inside.
- A delicious smell of food laced the air.
- The situation was complicated by radio failure in the KC135, so that voice contact with the Air Force pilot had been lost.
- Air, rammed down to the depths, coming already used from the lungs of the great Metropolis, gushed out of the mouths of pipes.
- He pushed the being away from him and towards Rotwang, who was standing near him as though fallen from the air.
- The problem, which most of the radar room crew was working at feverishly, was to clear a path for the Air Force KC-135, which had already started down on an instrument landing approach from ten thousand feet.
- Верещагин одним из первых самостоятельно убедился и в необходимости, так называемого, «plein air».
- The cool crisp spring air made his skin tingle all over, like a hug of fresh water.
- Now he did, mostly what he wanted to do was take it off and throw it high into the air, away into the sea.
- The elbows of his coat were patched, and he had about him a pinched and hungry air, as though his appetite were bad, his sleep poor, and his work three times as much as it ought to have been.
- Мы находили что гостьи и неловки, и совсем нет хорошеньких, et qu’elles n’ont pas du tout l’air comme il faut.
- The fresh air cut his face, the frost nipped his ears, his mouth and throat felt choked with cold, but in his breast there was a great joy.
- Boiling air smote him, groping at his eyes that he saw nothing.
- Verne wrote about space, air, and underwater travel before air travel and practical submarines were invented, and before practical means of space travel had been devised.
- He stood in the street, drinking in the drunken air.
- She started, looked at him with an air of astonishment, and turned away.
- The smoke stung his eyes and the air stank of bad eggs.
- At her right elbow sauntered the Kid with the air of princes.
- The chin, with the damp black beard, pointed higher in the air as the back muscles stiffened and the chest swelled in an unconscious and instinctive effort to get more air.
- Боинг компании Swiss Air, на борту которого находились 229 человек, рухнул в Атлантику неподалеку от Галифакса.
- At this time of day, before the afternoon rains, the air was bright and clear.
- The man flipped up into the air and came down almost betweentwo rooftops.
- The richness of the air seemed all the more imposing set against the dullness of any other sensation.
- The air stormed with bells.
- There was none to convey it but the little hardy courier of the fields with his rough green coat and modest air.
- Furthermore, I am in love, and Mischa is about to enjoy a month's leave from his regiment, and the summer is on the point of beginning, and Mischa and I intend to retire to his country house for a change of air.
- I had raced through space on the tiny one-man air scout and I had commanded the greatest battleship that ever had floated in the thin air of dying Mars.
- A short, violent free-for-all between the feral cats while the air filled with gulls, wheeling in to steal whatever they could.
- The morning was a splendid one, and the air still fresh, since the sun had not yet attained much height.
- The air smelled of salt and fish.
- Tasahre leapt straight up into the air.
- The hunted stream of air washed around him making the folds of the canvas flutter.
- Дон хотел, чтобы я использовала ветрогенераторы модели «Air-X Breezewind», потому что ему самому они отлично служили.
- What interested him were the large open windows that let air and light into the main yard.
- Turn Braniff left, Air Canada right, Eastern through a hundred and eighty degrees.
- From an invisible source the numbers dropped rhythmically down through the cooled air of the room, being collected, as in a water-basin, at the table at which the great brain of Metropolis worked, becoming objective under the pencils of his secretaries.
- The air smelled of the rains, but the sky was clearing again, the sun breaking through the cloud.
- Air Force KC-135, high above the airport in the storm, and seeking an immediate emergency landing.
- He heard nothing but a sound, the blessed melody of which was saturated with sweetness as is the air of a garden of blossoms with fragrance.
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Случайное: враз, девятины, диетический, классовой войны, комфорт, лепет, мпо этому, непростая, платье-халат