Предложения со словом «borders»
Мы нашли 6 предложений со словом «borders». Количество символов. Рифмы.
- The house resisted its destruction with so great a force that word of its malignity went out over the borders of the city, spreading far over the land, that, at last, there was no honest man to be found who would have ventured to make war against it.
- For I saw, on the instant that I got me to mine elbow, how that certain things did crouch within the borders of the trees, no more than a score paces off.
- And her reason to be that the Fixed Giants did be within the borders of The Shine, and all hid in the light thereof, save when the burning mist did roll this way or that.
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- Towards seven in the morning the position was no longer tenable by the colonists, who accordingly took shelter in the borders of Jacamar Wood.
- The colonists followed him, and reached the borders of the little stream, shaded by large trees.
- A fortunate circumstance, in the event of their finding on its borders a more suitable dwelling than the Chimneys.
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Случайное: безмятежный, выбиваются, глиссер, замороженное мясо, комары, молчали, невозмутим, неравномерное, нередким, обращаться к