Предложения со словом «fishing»
Мы нашли 14 предложений со словом «fishing». Количество символов. Рифмы.
- I had read somewhere of a fishing-schooner hooking her anchor into a whale, and being towed a long way and at great speed.
- The owners of the wharf where I lay, and of many fishing-vessels, put on board dry cod galore, also a barrel of oil to calm the waves.
- He could just get up and head out the River Gate, off to the Poor Docks where the little fishing boats that plied the river mouth were moored.
- The tern is called by the islanders the "pilot of Keeling Cocos." Farther on I came among a great number of birds fishing, and fighting over whatever they caught.
- The "Speedy" had not been able to withstand a torpedo that would have destroyed an ironclad as easily as a fishing-boat!
- The colonists were then on the shore of an unimportant little harbor, which would scarcely have contained even two or three fishing-boats.
- The water appeared to be full of fish, and Pencroft resolved to make some fishing-rods, so as to try and catch some.
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- It was around these that he meant to stretch his lines, not snares, but real fishing-lines.
- I spent a season in my new craft fishing on the coast, only to find that I had not the cunning properly to bait a hook.
- During the whole of the month of June the time was employed in different occupations, which excluded neither hunting nor fishing, the larder being, therefore, abundantly supplied.
- Even the couroucous were invisible, and it was probable that the sailor would be obliged to return to the marshy part of the forest, in which he had so happily performed his grouse fishing.
- The fishing did not take five minutes, for the crayfish were swarming in the creek.
- Besides these, we had engaged three Mojo Indians from Bolivia, who are the most skilful at fishing and boat work of all the river tribes.
- More than a hundred were thus taken, which were salted and stored for the time when winter, freezing up the streams, would render fishing impracticable.
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Случайное: бестселлер, блаженств, верх, ветвь астр, видала, вышивая, глухарь, демонстрируя, заторможенная, имажинизм