Предложения со словом «miss»
Мы нашли 29 предложений со словом «miss». Количество символов. Рифмы.
- Литл Ричард стянул фортепианное вступление «Rocket 88» для своего хита «Good Golly, Miss Molly» 1958 года.
- Вернувшись домой, нашёл записку, что звонила Miss Adler.
- I saw his hand miss the door-knob by an inch, quickly fumble for it, and find it.
- Had he done so, I should have managed somehow to carry Miss Brewster away with me.
- He next ordered Miss Brewster below, and smiled at the instant horror that leapt into her eyes.
- Miss Bailey, the professor's daughter, accompanied the expedition, and told me of many indigenous plants with long names.
- Еще видел я госпожу Фай (англичанка miss Fay), поразительно сильную своим медиумизмом.
- I never miss a Rugby match if I can help it, for it is the manliest game we have left.
- One day the head teachers of Papauta College, Miss Schultze and Miss Moore, came on board with their ninety-seven young women students.
- Come, all of you, at him again, don't miss, Smurov!" and again a fire of stones, and a very vicious one, began.
- Well, Miss Brewster, there is nothing small about the Ghost.
- Основанный в 1945 году лейбл добился успеха, выпуская ритм-энд-блюз и госпел и заполучив в 1952 году хит «Lawdy Miss Clawdy».
- Не даром мое влекло меня в Брейтон, Поцелуй у ней нежно ручки и у miss Kogel, если она позволит, без замечания, как на мой счет.
- Трип начинается с хрестоматийного хита «You’re Gonna Miss Me», а после «кислотный» туман становится все гуще.
- Though the prosecutor did not laugh, he kept his eyes fixed keenly on Mitya, as though anxious not to miss the least syllable, the slightest movement, the smallest twitch of any feature of his face.
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- Он не знает, как я жил там хорошо с няней и miss Emilie, Катей и Верочкой, как они любили и ласкали меня, как я любил их и был счастлив там.
- Вскоре Америку наводнили джинсы и простыни, фарфор и духи марки Miss Vanderbilt.
- If there was anything Herkimer didn’t know I didn’t miss it out of the book.
- It smote Miss Brewster likewise, a vague and nameless terror rushing into her eyes as she regarded Wolf Larsen.
- One did not wish to miss the fun.
- Например, у miss O’Reilly удивительно красивый нос и великолепного оттенка волосы.
- You lay the stress upon the desire apart from the soul, Miss Brewster lays the stress on the soul apart from the desire, and in point of fact soul and desire are the same thing.
- If you miss her and don't let me know she's been- I'll kill you before anyone.' When the night's over, in the morning, he, too, like Fyodor Pavlovitch, begins worrying me to death.
- She was dead and no one was going to miss him.
- Gideon Spilett and Herbert, aided by Jup and Top, did not miss a shot in the midst of myriads of wild-duck, snipe, teal, and others.
- I made no haste to return on deck, and when I did I was gratified to see Miss Brewster in animated conversation with Wolf Larsen.
- But if you don't think about it, you might miss the truly astonishing point about this announcement.
- Meddlesome Reader: My Lady friends, Miss Nancy and Miss Lou.
- Gideon Spilett, Pencroft, and Herbert did not miss this opportunity of going to visit their traps.
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