Предложения со словосочетанием «satellite system»
Мы нашли 80 предложений со словосочетанием «satellite system». Количество символов. Рифмы.
- Murdoch's satellite systems now distribute News Corp.
- The rest of them went to the communications center to get the telecast station, the radio beacon, and the inside-screen system into operation.
- A lot of heavy armament seemed to have been moved in from Barathrum Spaceport, and Zareff had more men and firepower than he had ever commanded during the System States War.
- Рон занял очень ответственную должность, особенно в свете предстоявшей с первого января 1984 года реорганизации Bell System.
- He always wore a little rosette of System States black and green on his coat.
- Jesse modified the system a bit to fix that problem, by adding a button that a user could click to see if the machine holding the file was still on-line.
- When the War ended, they took it outside the system and shot off a planetbuster inside her.
- Or is the radical shift away from our tradition of free culture yet another example of a political system captured by a few powerful special interests?
- When he married her, she was probably the most popular and beautiful hostess in the entire airline system, and twelve years and three children later she could still hold her own with most successors.
- The United States abandoned this sensible system in 1976.
- Any system of copyright would control competing publishing.
- In crafting the MPAA rating system, it has probably avoided a great deal of speech-regulating harm.
- The technology was to be part of a "trusted system" of control that would get content owners to trust the system of the Internet much more.
- If it were to fall to any distance, it would begin, I think, flying round the earth without knowing why, like a satellite.
- To make this system work, however, MP3.com needed a reliable way to recommend music to its users.
- В статье также упоминалось, что частота других сигналов, маршрутизирующих звонки, указана в одном из номеров Bell System Technical Journal.
- The legal system may be tolerable for the very rich.
- But it clearly showed the weakness in the SDMI system, and why SDMI would not, as presently constituted, succeed.
- But it is a measure of how out of touch our legal system has become that anyone actually believes this.
- We have our system of reckoning, you know.
- Spaceships, either interplanetary or interstellar, were always spherical with a pseudogravity system at the center.
- The cost of a high-quality digital video system has fallen dramatically.
- Felten and his team figured out the encryption system quickly.
- Conn, I noticed that after Kurt Fawzi started talking about how long it would take to get to the Gamma System, you jumped right into it and began talking up a ship.
- It used Microsoft's network file system to build an index of all the files available within the RPI network.
- Теперь мы знали, что можно стребовать с Bell System очень крупную сумму денег.
- The sparkling points of light flashed past me in an interminable stream, as though the whole sidereal system were dropping into the void.
- By March, the system was functioning quite well.
- The manual of arms, drill and salute he taught them was, of course, System States Alliance.
- And in the face of this obvious preference, Sony could have designed its system to minimize the opportunity for copyright infringement.
- They took two more hours to get the oxygen-separator and the ventilator fans going, and for good measure they started the water pumps and the heating system.
- I know the entire system perfectly.
- Thereafter the child's bringing up began according to a system dictated by the mother and the nurse for his healthy development, and for his protection from cold, from the evil eye, and from sundry other inimical influences.
- The Aibo hack circumvented a copyright protection system for the purpose of enabling the dog to dance jazz.
- His single most important improvement over those engines was to fix a bug within the Microsoft file-sharing system that could cause a user's computer to crash.
- The Terran Federation had impoverished a hundred planets, devastated a score, actually depopulated at least three, to keep the System States Alliance from seceding.
- They got the pumps going, and the oxygen-generators, and the sewage disposal system.
- The sun, we all know, is the creator of the trade-winds and of the wind system over all the earth.
- It rang again, and he realized it was the red alarm system telephone on a stand beside the desk.
- And they operate the physical distribution system through which the content reaches the customers.
- https://sinonimy.online/
- The paper was intended to describe the weakness in an encryption system being developed by the Secure Digital Music Initiative as a technique to control the distribution of music.
- Он ответил, что за тридцать лет в Bell System он не видел лучшего руководителя, чем я.
- We could imagine a system developing to demonstrate that permission.
- On leaving the forest, the mountain system of the country appeared before the explorers.
- It's where most of the troops in the system were embarked on hyperships, I think.
- В статье Розенбаума упоминалось, что частота других сигналов, направляющих звонки, указана в одном из номеров Bell System Technical Journal.
- There was also trouble with the air-and-water recycling system.
- All of these "formalities" were abolished in the American system when we decided to follow European copyright law.
- He had named all the planets of the Alpha System from the books of Cabell, and those of Beta from Spenser'sFaerie Queene, and those of Gamma from Rabelais.
- These were more recent, and dated from Poictesme's second hectic prosperity, when the Gartner Trisystem had been the advance base for the Third Fleet-Army Force, during the System States War.
- This gang's been at the spaceport long enough to get the detection system working and put the defense batteries on ready.
- Henceforward all the loads, wood, coal, provisions, and even the settlers themselves, were hoisted by this simple system, which replaced the primitive ladder, and, as may be supposed, no one thought of regretting the change.
- He came from Ashmodai, one of the System States planets, and he had commanded a regiment, and finally a division that had been blasted down to less than regimental strength, in the Alliance Army.
- Он проработал в Bell System почти тридцать лет, и ему очень нравилось приводить в замешательство вышестоящих менеджеров.
- The system was therefore a kind of music-lockbox.
- Все эти компании становились дочерними по отношению к Bell System.
- If we have a property system, and that system is properly balanced to the technology of a time, then it is wrong to take property without the permission of a property owner.
- But Jesse's uncle worked to educate the family about the nature of the American legal system.
- Since their departure, the settlers had descended the slopes which constituted the mountain system of the island, on to a dry soil, but the luxuriant vegetation of which indicated it to be watered either by some subterranean marsh or by some stream.
- In a system of that kind there is no understanding or sympathy, nor a particle of what we call humanity.
- The question is whether a copyright protection system was circumvented.
- The nearer moon had passed below the horizon, but the clear effulgence of the further satellite bathed the deck of the cruiser, bringing into sharp relief the bodies of six or eight black men sprawled about in sleep.
- Исходя из этих соображений я отослала резюме в Bell System.
- И итальянская фирма Logo System, которая занималась промышленной автоматизацией.
- Then, without warning, the System States Alliance collapsed, the rebellion ended, and the scourge of peace fell on Poictesme.
- At the beginning of his speech he spoke rather disconnectedly, without system, one may say, dealing with facts separately, though, at the end, these facts formed a whole.
- They are everywhere in Japanese society, at every magazine stand, carried by a large proportion of commuters on Japan's extraordinary system of public transportation.
- I know of six fully supplied hospitals, intended to take care of the casualties in case of a System States space-attack.
- В статье также говорилось, что в одном из номеров Bell System Technical Journal были указаны частоты, маршрутизировавшие сигналы.
- He and the team saw the weakness of this system as a type: Many encryption systems would suffer the same weakness, and Felten and his team thought it worthwhile to point this out to those who study encryption.
- The air-and-water recycling system went in.
- It might well be a possible design for a system of law protecting creative property.
- And while I end this book with a sketch of a system that does just that, my aim in the next chapter is to show just how awful it would be for us to adopt the zero-tolerance extreme.
- If this form of protection is no longer necessary, then the system could lapse into the old system of controlling access.
- But the feudal system had a strong interest in assuring that property holders within that system not weaken feudalism by liberating people or property within their control to the free market.
- By publishing a paper describing how a copyright protection system could be circumvented, the RIAA lawyer suggested, Felten himself was distributing a circumvention technology.
- What assurance that I might not as well be hurtled to some far-distant star of another solar system, as to Mars?
- Новый опыт давил: его надо было выписать из себя, to write out of one’s system.
- All the ships in the Alpha System except the Harriet Barne and the two they're building at Storisende.
- But though we could imagine this system of permission, it would be very hard to see how photography could have flourished as it did if the requirement for permission had been built into the rules that govern it.
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Случайное: блокируется, вдохновлять на трудовые подвиги, воздали, возражать против жестокости, дыма, загородили, земляков, класть положить, конкурентоспособные, многочисленным жителям