Предложения со словом «university»
Мы нашли 29 предложений со словом «university». Количество символов. Рифмы.
- He was a good scholar who had gained distinction in philosophy in the university.
- Temple University law professor Salil Mehra, for example, hypothesizes that the manga market accepts these technical violations because they spur the manga market to be more wealthy and productive.
- Miusov with whom he was staying for the time, was trying to persuade him to go abroad to the university of Zurich or Jena.
- And it may well be that the university believes her.
- He joined the University of London's Officer's Training Corps.
- He was going with her himself, to recruit scientific and technical graduates from his alma mater, the University of Paris-on-Baldur, and from the other schools there.
- Я присутствовал на очередном летнем съезде профессоров и слушателей University Extension в Кэмбридже и собрал относящуюся к движению литературу.
- Я говорю: “Заезжай в Пердью[33 - Университет Пердью (Purdue University) в Вест-Лафайетте, штат Индиана (США).], сделай там доклад, я тебе все напишу”.
- But neither Yefim Petrovitch nor this teacher was living when the young man finished at the gymnasium and entered the university.
- Я даже стал слушать курс философии в колледже Беркбек Лондонского университета (Birkbeck, University of London).
- And I received correction and guidance from many amazing students at Stanford Law School and Stanford University.
- But he'd known a couple of Thorans at the University, funny little fellows, with faces like terriers, their bodies covered with matted black hair.
- In his spare time he was studying, along with his other work, everything he could find on Koshchei, with an intensity he had not given to anything since cramming for examinations at the University.
- He was a kid tinkering with a Google-like technology at a university where he was studying information science, and hence, tinkering was the aim.
- After graduating from Moscow University in 1834 Goncharov served for thirty years as a minor government official.
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- There was a thing about dusty fountains, some poem he'd read at the University.
- This young man was preparing to enter the university.
- Кроме того, я хотел, чтобы он выступил перед выпускниками кинофакультета University of South California.
- But the university might not believe her.
- Мой бизнес-план занял второе место, что дало мне шанс поехать учиться в University of Alaska Anchorage.
- Sweden was also represented, in the person of Professor Sergius, the famous Zoologist of the University of Upsala.
- You, a man who should have been Regius Professor at a great University with a thousand students all revering you.
- We never felt any special need for a university degree, though we had acquired a species of intrinsic intelligence in knocking around the world that we could use in emergencies.
- The Creative Commons is a nonprofit corporation established in Massachusetts, but with its home at Stanford University.
- В 1994 году я сделал остановку, по линии Британского совета уехав на стажировку в Великобританию в University of Leeds.
- Similar lawsuits were brought against three other students: one other student at RPI, one at Michigan Technical University, and one at Princeton.
- He wished he'd had time to take some economics at the University.
- Целую плеяду драматургов представляла группа так называемых «Университетских умов»[21 - University Wits.].
- I am thankful as well as to Professor Nobuhiro Nakayama, and the Tokyo University Business Law Center, for giving me the chance to spend time in Japan, and to Tadashi Shiraishi and Kiyokazu Yamagami for their generous help while I was there.
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Случайное: андерсен, было реализовано, воздух щеки, выкрики, выровненные, доехал, забвенье, мелькать, накрапывает, находился